General Care
from LB Forums
Coat Condition - Shine - Can anyone please give me some advice on how to get
the best out of your minis coat. Especially chestnuts. Thanx.
Something you can do is to add small amounts of corn oil or veg. oil to your horses
diet. I also feed a sweet feed with a higher than normal fat content. You should also keep
you horses out of the sun and at all times keep a sheet or blanket on him/her. You will do
more damage allowing the sun to bleach the coat and mane and you cannot fix it once it
happens until the following year when they shed out again....good luck!
If you are asking how to get your mini's coat to shine, I have only one word of advice.
Brush. My mare's coat is as soft and shiny as silk by summer. The only secret is brushing.
I would also be safe in adding good nutrition, clean fresh water, exercise, clean pen and
lots of elbow grease.
I began feeding Source to my horses on the advice of my farrier- I also use the dog
variety- Source Plus- for my dogs and all have great coats, utilization of feed, etc. It
is made of micronutrients from the sea and adds back to our animals what we cook out in
the feed!
I add a little (handfull according to size) of linseed oilcake to the grain, and it
really helps keep a beatiful coat on all our horses.
Well, to begin with, shine comes from within...I know that sounds like an advertisement,
but it's true. You must start from the beginning and eliminate any nutrition or health
causes. (i.e., are your minis wormed on a comprehensive schedule, as well as fed a diet
with the proper ratio of fats in it, etc.) The sun can also rob a coat of its shine. You
don't mention where you live, but if you live in a harsh climate, you might think about
having your horses spend the part of the day from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in their barns or a
shaded paddock. Sometimes you can get full body suits that will cover the hair and protect
from ultraviolet fading. A buildup of grooming sprays and sweat, dust, dander, etc., can
also make a coat that is really healthy look dull. If regular grooming isn't cutting it,
try a bath with lukewarm water, and a good quality shampoo. I use MicroTek on mine, or
QuicSilver. I feed my show horse a feed supplement supposed to help with a shiny coat,
Super 14 from Farnam. It's pretty inexpensive, comes in the form of a heart shaped treat,
and so far, I have no complaints! Her coat gleams when it's clean and groomed. Regular
grooming also is important, to help distribute the oils on the hair coat, and loosen the
scurf and dandruff. I suppose a lot of these things you may have known already, I just
told you what I do, what I would do in your case. Start with the most basic, and having
eliminated that, move on until you find the culprit, it does take a good while to grow out
a dull coat, so be patient.
Cold Weather & Minis - I just was wondering if I should watch out for
frostbite on my little guy. I live in Ohio and have already noticed he has taken a liking
to the white stuff. He isn't cut/shaven, he wears his jacket, and isn't out for a long
time. It's just that he rolls around and with the wind chill, it gets mighty cold!
Anything I should worry about? Or am I just a paranoid person? I just wanted to ask you
all! Thanks a bunch!
I wouldn't worry about your little guy. We're up here by Calgary, Canada, and our guys
all winter out without blankets. Even at 40 below like it was last winter, they're fine as
long as they have a place to get out of the wind. We were a little worried about them lst
winter, but they all we extremely fat in the spring, so we figure it didn't bother them a
I wouldn't worry about your little guy. I put my babies out with no coats on and they
love the snow also. I'm from Pennsylvania and we still have some snow on the ground, so I
know what you mean about the cold weather. I have asked my vet in the past about the cold
weather and horses and he said that you shouldn't put a horse outside if you can avoid it
when the wind is blowing and it's 10 to 15 degrees below zero with the wind chill factor.
If your horse has to stay outside (if you don't have a barn) make sure they have a 3-sided
shed or something to get out of the wind. I hope this helped, good luck. These little guys
are tougher than they look! :)
Trimming Hooves - I wanted to know if any of you trim your own horse's
hooves. Is it difficult to do on your own?? I recently bought hoof nippers and thought I
would try, but want to know if this is advisable. A friend said he would teach me how.
What do you all think????
I have been trimming my minis for a few months now, still learning. Best advice is to
get a good farrier out to help you and give you pointers the first few times. My farrier
would much rather help me than make his back sore! I've watched & asked questions with
my big horses for years, so I had the concept, but doing it is another matter! Just go
easy with the nippers, rasp more often and less at a time, keep them level. Good luck!
We also do our own hoof trimming on our miniatures but I also agree with the other
person that said to have a farrier show you how to do it. We learned from a farrier for a
year before we did our own. The horses are much better for us than for the farrier because
he always held their feet up too high and made them uncomfortable. Trimming has to be done
correctly or you could do damage to the hoof. If you get too deep you can draw blood and
could also lame the horse if you get it too short.
I do all my minis, however I have trimmed horses years ago before I got the minis. I am
by no means an expert but when I first got the minis I had a farrier out for a few trims
and watched everything he was doing. (and ask questions). I also still have the farrier
out in the spring before the shows just to check angles on the show horses. My advice to
you is have a good & willing farrier show you a few times, then get him/her out every
other time to trim & recheck how your last trim was. If you have a horse that requires
corrective trimming, I would let the farrier do that because you can hurt more that help a
horse (especially a young horse) if you really do not know what you are doing. On top of
all this, you will get more confidence as you go but be sure to look at how the horse
stands and the way he walks and trots. Good luck!
Making horse drink water - Just discovered this AM a great way to get our
horses to drink more water - I put a pile of carrots into the cuisinart, pureed it, then
strained it into a big bucket with 2 gallons of luke-warm water. Horses went crazy! Seems
like a good way to perk up the horses when they aren't drinking!
I never tried carrot juice but I do add Jello, makes the hoofs stronger and grow faster
too. Great treatment for foundered horses also. It also helps if you have heated water. I
have an old bathtub with a stock tank heater and they do drink more and have less
digestion problems. I have heard of a horse colicing though after being given cold water
when it was used to the warmer tank water.
I have been told that adding apple juice to the water makes them drink more!
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