About Lil Beginnings Miniature Horse & Pony Web-Site

Successfully serving the public as being an international gathering place for information, promotion and marketing of the Miniature horse since April, 1997.
From our "lil" beginnings back then,  with the help of our Members who Sponsor this site, we have come a long way by introducing these original concepts of promoting Miniature Horses and Ponies on the Internet!

And much, much more!!!

Sure there are a few other Lil Beginnings "COPY-CAT WEB SITES" out there that come and go... but we are proud to say LilBeginnings.com is FAR different from the rest..
Serving the complete Miniature Horse and Pony community has always been our #1 priority since 1997, along with watching over our members and visitors
 by acting quickly in banning breeders & businesses that prove not to be honest.

We ARE the ORIGINAL and MOST POPULAR Miniature Horse and Pony web site in the WORLD!

Our WEB STATS speak for themselves...  other sites CLAIM to be #1 and FASTEST GROWING... the difference in LIL BEGINNINGS IS!

High Traffic = Best Advertising!
They try - but no other web site comes close to LB's traffic!
We are not afraid to show them to you!!!

PLEASE NOTE - stats above are for only LilBeginnings.com
and do not include: LB Forums
Which means even MORE HITS!

We only get better!!!

2 years later? Growing Every Year!  Brand recognition... we're here and have staying power.


Web Server #1 Stats for...
* www.LilBeginnings.com  *www.SmallHorseConnect.com
* Lil Beginnings TopSites

In order to keep stability with the high traffic demand, the complete Lil Beginnings International runs on 2 Web Site Servers.
* 1 Semi Dedicated Web Server
  * 1 VPS Dedicated Web Server 

Web Server #2 Stats for...
* our Very Popular forums!


  Lil Beginnings Miniature Horses
Debby J. Bowen

Lil Beginnings Miniature Horse International was founded by:
Alex & Mary Lou McEachern
RR#2 Alvinston ยท Ontario, Canada N0N 1A0