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Driving the Miniature Horse by "Portia Sue Owens Moondance Ranch Miniature Horse Training Center
Driving a miniature horse is a relaxing and rewarding sport.
But, before you put the cart before the horse, spend some time developing a game
plan. The following are a few points to consider to help you and your horse have
many positive experiences.
Determine what it is you want to do. There are many different types
of driving: trail, parade, single or multiple hitch, open or country pleasure,
obstacles and roadster. Do you want to focus on a single type or do you want a
horse capable of a variety of activities? If you know what you would like to do,
it will be much easier to choose the correct horse for the job (or job for the
horse if you already own your driving partner.)
When you have a good idea what you want to do, work on who you want
to do it with. Pick a horse with a suitable mentality for the job. A quieter,
calmer horse may be more suitable for trails and parades. A top show competitor
may need to be more aggressive and energetic. Fortunately, there are many horses
able to do both pleasure and show driving. Also evaluate conformation, size and
athletic ability. Keep in mind your physical size in relation to the size and
strength of a horse to pull you. Consider the pluses and minuses of mares vs.
stallions vs. geldings. A gelding will give you the most consistency with the
least amount of special care. Most mares are similar in ease of handling, but
the price will be higher for a breedable mare. Be sure you really need a
stallion if this is your choice as they require special care and facilities.
Make a list of the traits you desire in order of preference. This will help you
avoid buying the horse with the sweetest eyes, and help you purchase a horse
happily able to do what you desire.
Honestly evaluate yourself. Do you have the skill and time
necessary to train a young horse, or would you be better off with a horse
already trained to your specifications? Do you prefer bold and speedy or
well-mannered precision? Spend time with different horses and see which ones
best suit your personality.
Now that you have your horse, you are ready for the cart, the
harness, the bit, the whip,etc. Closely evaluate your existing equipment for fit
and safety, or shop carefully for new equipment.
There are quite a few sources for Miniature driving equipment. Shop
carefully to get the best value. Remember, quality workmanship takes time, and
time generally means money! For non-show Pleasure Driving and Show Obstacle
Driving, an Easy Entry cart is your best choice. As the name implies, these
carts can be entered and exited very easily and safely. The seat is bench style,
allowing two adults comfortable seating. The metal construction is very durable,
but also quite heavy. New Easy Entry carts will run approximately 400 dollars.
For show ring Pleasure Driving competition, a wood cart is desirable. Jerald
Sulky Company manufactures an excellent, well balanced Pleasure Driving cart.
Features include choice of colors, 20 inch or 24 inch wire wheels and a
removable basket. (Roadster Driving classes require a cart with a removable
basket.) New Jerald carts run approximately 800 to 900 dollars. Optional items
such as brass fittings, patent leather trim and wooden wheels are also
Quality harness makers will be interested in your needs and willing
to assist you in your harness selection. Never buy a harness without trying it
on your horse. It is extremely important that your harness fit correctly. When
properly adjusted, your harness should have extra holes for either increasing or
decreasing the size. Beware of cheap harnesses - you usually get what you pay
For basic Pleasure and Show Driving NW Harness and Tack offers a
great fitting, quality, leather harness for approximately 400 dollars. NW
Harness also offers a fancy, top of the line, leather show harness priced at
approximately 800 dollars. Dale Lutke produces a very fancy, extremely durable
harness made of patent leather bonded to Biothane. This is a beautifully
detailed harness specifically designed to fit the miniature show
horse. This harness is priced at around 800 dollars.
Both NW Harness and Lutke Harness offer nice working harnesses
ideal for daily training and breaking.
Take time to take care of your equipment. Good harness cleaners are Lexol For
Leather and Armor All for synthetic materials. Check the air in your tires
regularly. If you drive in rough areas, special puncture proof tubes are
available. Keep your wooden carts covered during storage and transportation. Buy
quality equipment and treat it well for many hours of safe driving! Utilize the
knowledge of reputable craftsmen to help you select the best types of equipment
for your needs. Review your AMHA rule book to make sure that your equipment is
appropriate for classes you plan to show in.
Hopefully, consideration of the previous points will help you gain
many pleasure hours with your miniature driving horse.
Written and submitted with permission of Portia
Sue Owens of Moondance Ranch Miniature Horse Training Center
Difference of country & pleasure - What exactly is
the difference between country and plain pleasure?
I'll do the best I can to explain the difference between Country and regular Pleasure:
--- Two or three years ago there was only one type of Pleasure classes (regular Pleasure).
What a lot of people were finding is that there was starting to be a distinction between
two types of horses--those that were more animated, and those that were more calm and free
moving. The AMHA decided to formalize this difference by adding another category of
Pleasure Driving--Country, for horses that are more relaxed. According to the rulebook,
the classes are described as follows: PLEASURE DRIVING: Contact on reins at all times.
Animated, but should not have exaggerated high action. Judged on (in order): quality of
performance; manners; way of going of horse; conformation; appropriateness, condition and
fit of vehicle and harness; neatness of attire. The gaits are: Walk; Collected Trot--an
energetic trot with forward impulsion. Horse should be submissive to the bit; Working
Trot--a little bit faster than the collected trot, with a clear increase in the length of
stride of the horse. COUNTRY: Light contact on reins. Relaxed head and neck carriage. All
gaits to be performed with willingness, obvious ease, cadence, balance, and smoothness.
Low, ground covering action. High action MUST be penalized. The gaits are: Walk; Pleasure
Trot--relaxed, easy going, yet with impulsion; Working Trot--Longer stride than Pleasure
trot but still relaxed and calm. Judged on (in order): attitude, manners, performance,
quality; conformation. --- The main difference between the two is that Country horses are
a lot calmer. They have a low, relaxed head carriage, whereas in Pleasure, the horse's
neck should be carried high with flexion at the poll to give a headset of no less than 45
degrees. Country horses should have a stride that is long and free moving. Pleasure horses
should be more animated; their stride should be more upward moving. Some people use
artificial appliances to enhance their horse's movement. This is wrong, and is against the
rules. It is usually quite apparent when a horse has had this done to it. It states in the
rulebook that gaits should be natural and not artificially enhanced.
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